Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012
Sales page goes live in 20 hours! (Must read updates!)

Dear Partners

The pre-launch has been amazing so far with over 43,000 people
having access to the gifts. We’ve had so many emails thanking us.
I’m spent like over an hour personally replying them and there are
still more to go!

Thank you everyone once again and we’re priming the leads with a
final video to get them into a buying frenzy come sales day.

The sales page will go live on 22th May 10am EST.
(The gift page will remain open until 22th May 0959am EST which is
when the overall pre-launch contest will end)


To make the sales launch more interesting. What better way than to
start it off with a sales mini-contest. ; )

We’re already giving a ton of great prizes over here

But the top 3 JV partners that make the most amount of sales
between 22th May 10am to 23th May 2359 EST will walk away with
these prizes.

1st – $500
2nd – $250
3rd – $100

We’ve also have a first blood mega prize where the first partner to
make 100 frontend sales walks away with an extra $1000 too!

So you definitely want to queue your emails for sales day. =)

Get your sales launch swipes over here

Scroll all the way down and you’ll see 7 sales launch swipes that
we’ve prepared for you.

Sales Funnel Process (Must Read!)

Ok it’s best we explain the entire sales funnel here. Just in case
you’re surprised come sales day. We’ll actually implement what we
call the triple trial technique. We’ve did it with one of our
evergreen funnels and it’s converts like gangbusters! A few of you
who promoted that would know. =)

So we tested the same triple trial technique for Mind Secrets
Exposed and it got us $0.90 EPC (amount to JV partners). You can
see the test results here

Here’s how it works

Frontend : $1 trial, rebill 10 days later for $37. Rebill monthly
for $37 (We’re giving customers 30 day free access to our Success
Monthly coach program and if they stay on they’d be rebilled)

OTO1: $1 trial and rebill 10 days later for $67.

OTO2: $1 trial and rebill 10 days later for $37.

Just like what legendary copywriter John Carlton said when we met
him in San Francisco 2 weeks ago. Get the product in their hands!

That’s what we intend to do. Get it in their hands and wow them!

Because of clickbank transactions costs. The initial $1 will go to
clickbank so you’ll see sales units being sold in your account but
$0 commissions at the start. Be patient and you’ll see the flood of
commissions storming in 10 days later.

For our sales contest. We’ll compute your sales values based on the
full value.
Eg. $1 trial of a $37 product would be calculated as $37 for our
sales leaderboard.

2nd Pre-launch Mini-Contest
From 20th May until 21st May 2359 EST


The 2nd pre-launch mini-contest is still going on. So if you
haven’t mailed yet. You definitely want too.

You can check out the live leaderboard with prizes here.

Do contact us if you’ve any questions.

Alvin & Greg

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